Happy November!
I'll start with a quick October review. Overall not a huge success, I definitely haven't moved ahead at all other than getting closer to sending the paperwork in. A major setback has been my injuries and having my doctor say that the most recent pain is my lungs and as she thinks its unrelated to my work injury I cannot get compensated for a whole week of missed work... PS it is my ribs not my lungs and it all started when I got injured so I can't understand how its not related (not that I'm bitter, sheesh!) Hallows Eve was nice and quiet, a few neighbour kids came by but there was a lot less than last year because of the rainy weather. One thing I have definitely missed this past month is keeping in touch with my friends. which I'm not so great at in the best of times, I could come up with a bunch of excuses but really all I mean is that I am going to try to do better this month. I am glad that October is done, birthday's are gone and there is another year to take on. There has been a good side to October as well, (I don't want to focus on the negatives); My application was accepted for a full time position at work! along with that I had to fill out all the mandatory pension plan and medical info, but they also gave several options for investing in different areas. I have never invested before but it has always intrigued me. I read the whole book that they gave me to review and decided that even though I am in the middle of a learning curve on how to manage my finances and have bundles of debt to get rid of, I also know that I am young and after E gets here and starts working things won't be such a huge challenge for me. So I am officially an investor! I am putting a portion of my bi-weekly pay cheques into various areas, including equities which makes me very proud that I am not too scared to invest in the riskiest of all investments. I don't think I could get much smaller in the amount I am investing but I just want to get my feet wet and see how I like it, if I understand whats going on when things change and how much I learn about the whole deal. To be honest it kind of feels like a real-life monopoly game, mostly because I don't know anything about investing but I am very curious to see where this takes me. Which leads me to a few goals for November. "I must, I must, I must increase my bust!" Ha ha, A quote from are you there God, its me Margret. My bust is fine by the way. A definite must for this month is getting E's paperwork send in... I'm starting to go crazy with all the worry and paranoia that goes with it. I also need to be more conscious about how I use and take care of my body. I need to be more active, and drink more water. I am in belly dancing for a second semester and I absolutely adore it. but we will be finished at the beginning of December. I am a little worried that with the icky weather I'm going to become a hermit and not do anything. I like rain I just need some waterproof shoes so I can stop using that as an excuse for not taking the dogs for a walk. One last goal that I have on my list is to be diligent on my Christmas crafts, because I have decided to make most of my gifts this year I need to start early or they will never get done. I am famous for starting a million projects and not finishing any of them... I think that falls under the procrastination I warned you about. Alright my one loyal reader :) I am going to make some breakfast. have a good one!