Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here I go again on my own!


What an insane summer, I am so thoroughly looking forward to a season change that I have already hung an autumn wreath on my newly painted door (so pretty). Today I am canning peaches with my mama, but we've just about run out of lids so she's out to get some and I am here, talking to you while I wait for the water canner to boil.
Coming back to Canada has been very much like moving again. NOT FUN! I abhor packing.. and unpacking. I've already done a ton of grocery shopping and now that I have a deep freezer (just a little bitty one, that's just right for us) I was able to stock up a bit, which is good because I plan on utilizing my new slow cooker and freezing some soups and stews and such.
I may be crazy but I know there's other like minded folks who like me are starting to prepare for the chaos that is Christmas. I'M SO EXCITED! Probably because its my first time decorating my own home, with my own stuff. and its our first christmas together! That's the best part. I also have some friends who have moved much too far away for my liking, so being prepared ahead of time is essential for time's sake and also my much endebted budget. UGH. don't wanna go there. yet, but I will. My husband as a new immigrant has much to learn about budgeting and with my lack of skills in that area it is very much blind leading the blind. I am hoping to find some sort of basic budgeting course that we can take, anything has got to bet better than this.
...why did stop talking about Christmas???

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