Today is a beautiful day, no rain. :) I know I haven't written for a very long time, and while I still read my fav blogs.. I haven't felt I have had anything worth typing, I have been rather blue of late
...kinda like this pic of my respite baby.
but I am being well taken care of by my doctor and I am I bound and determined to pick up my feet and get some things accomplished. Paperwork - wise I cannot do anything more and its making me ansy. so I am in process of tackling my room aka disaster zone. I have a fair bit of floor space at the moment which is lovely, but I am lacking in dressers so my clothes live in the hamper... I need a solution to this. I took plenty of before pics for ya but I am waiting to load them once I get some after shots (whenever that may be). I enjoy being productive, having a plan and completing or exceeding it.
I have a few employment options popping up, so I need to talk to E and see which course of action would be the wisest. let me lay it out for you and you can tell me what you think. 1. Apply for a position for dispatch at the local police detachment. This would mean more income, more security, and a daily challenge of self, which I think can be a good thing. 2. Stay where I am and ignore the shinnanigans that are out to capture my soul, at least until E comes and then I can start fostering. 2a. OOOR Stay where I am until summer where I have been asks to maintain a household for a friend of mine for the length of the summer and care for the 5 children who would not be able to go with the rest of the family on a trip to haiti. This would mean a house outside of my parents home for me and E (providing he is here at that time), income, and no doubt the kids will keep me busy and entertained. My dilema is this, at the moment they are not certain that they are going at all... and it will be probably a few solid months until there is any guarantee. That means giving up the oppourtunity to work dispatch, which I have forgone in the past. So that is that.
I really need to get out of this house, I need my own home for my own family. I have been very "nesty" lately and I can't do much about it. Its really making me crazy.
I have started keeping better tabs on my finances, and figuring out what is going where and how much is left over and if any what can go to housing. thats my motivation. For now my focus is repaying the debt that has been accumulated and more or less ignored. that needs to be dealt with immediatly... maybe I should give Gail a call... If she's been to Surrey... why wouldn't she come here. haha.
Well, I need to find some substanence, which is also a current focus of mine, my health. hooo lordy!
ok I'm going to check the mailbox, finers crossed for GST cheque!
Re the employment dilema..
I think you need stability for awhile, and a gaurunteed income coming in. So staying at the job you're at now, would make most sense. At least until E is here to help out!
You should blog more often ;)
I was serious about the blogging more!! ;)
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